Tuesday 24 November 2009

Focussed spiritual vision needed in a commercial world

I write the following having read this blog post today:

IBS-STL An Opportunity?

It is a challenge in the Christian trade at the moment. I think it is a symptom of trying to stay viable, and some are trying to work on a basis of volume. Some guys are publishing anything if it improves their bottom line. Whilst it may help the bottom line, it actually doesn't help the Christian ministry we are trying to contribute to. Poor teaching marketed over quality teaching is a real problem, in my view, at the moment. It is all a question of godly vision, and now is a time to reappraise this in the midst of real hardship not just for STL but the entire UK Christian trade. Why are we here, what is the purpose? If we are publishing "run of the mill" titles because it keeps afloat our inflated size, then we need to downsize and maintain quality. God's truth is not a commodity to be played with, bound and controlled. Our present Christian retail situation is not just a "trade" issue. It is a hugely spiritual one. More accountability from the Churches, who ought to be promoting more of our resources for the edification of their flocks, from Publisher's who need to be directed by spiritual vision, not only commercial vision and from bookshops who need more discernment as spiritual gatekeepers to the material they let in and sell out. There is some great material out there. My hope is that CBC becomes an event focussed on these values, and we can find answers to some of the hard questions we face to enable our Christian vision to be commercially viable. In some ways it starts with the Church, and how they are connecting their congregations with "meat" not "milk". Churchgoers need to embrace a hunger for spiritual knowledge. We are here to fill that hunger... and what a responsibility that is for publishers, distributors and booksellers.

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