Thursday 26 November 2009

Peter Horrobin on Revelation TV

Peter Horrobin, author of Living the Life, Healing through Deliverance and Forgiveness - God's Master Key was recently featured on REVELATION TV. It is an outstanding interview and well worth watching:

Click here to see it >

View Peter's books on the Sovereign World website.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Focussed spiritual vision needed in a commercial world

I write the following having read this blog post today:

IBS-STL An Opportunity?

It is a challenge in the Christian trade at the moment. I think it is a symptom of trying to stay viable, and some are trying to work on a basis of volume. Some guys are publishing anything if it improves their bottom line. Whilst it may help the bottom line, it actually doesn't help the Christian ministry we are trying to contribute to. Poor teaching marketed over quality teaching is a real problem, in my view, at the moment. It is all a question of godly vision, and now is a time to reappraise this in the midst of real hardship not just for STL but the entire UK Christian trade. Why are we here, what is the purpose? If we are publishing "run of the mill" titles because it keeps afloat our inflated size, then we need to downsize and maintain quality. God's truth is not a commodity to be played with, bound and controlled. Our present Christian retail situation is not just a "trade" issue. It is a hugely spiritual one. More accountability from the Churches, who ought to be promoting more of our resources for the edification of their flocks, from Publisher's who need to be directed by spiritual vision, not only commercial vision and from bookshops who need more discernment as spiritual gatekeepers to the material they let in and sell out. There is some great material out there. My hope is that CBC becomes an event focussed on these values, and we can find answers to some of the hard questions we face to enable our Christian vision to be commercially viable. In some ways it starts with the Church, and how they are connecting their congregations with "meat" not "milk". Churchgoers need to embrace a hunger for spiritual knowledge. We are here to fill that hunger... and what a responsibility that is for publishers, distributors and booksellers.

Friday 20 November 2009

New Titles: Sarah (Sarah Shaw) and God is Still Speaking (Brian Mills)

Hot off the press, we are excited to receive two new titles into our warehouse this morning: Sarah by Sarah Shaw and God is Still Speaking by Brian Mills. Check our website for more details!

Buy the books and discuss on our SWL Social Network site!

Tuesday 17 November 2009

STL UK for sale

Following the recent statement by Keith Danby announcing the sale of STL UK, Sovereign World have no option but to close with immediate effect the trading account held with them. Sovereign World books are now available in the UK from either Sovereign World direct or New Wine Ministries. Sovereign World is equipped to serve the needs of the trade or the direct consumer, having its own warehouse facility and Royal Mail/DHL shipping. During this critical trading season we will be able to supply bookshops efficiently and on good terms. Please call 01524 753805 to place your order. Our new 2010 catalogue will appear with your next issue of Christian Marketplace magazine to help keep you informed of our titles and provides contact details. (which incidentally still includes STL as the catalogues went to press before this announcement.)

I am of course very saddened by this latest development at STL, who have served the Christian trade extremely well. We wait to see the response to the sale of the company. Whilst there is still hope for its operation to continue under new ownership I am concerned for its future. I am sure many of you will join in our prayers for STL and most especially for the many good people who work there under uncertain circumstances. For those of us involved in the Christian retail trade in the UK, it is of course of great significance to us. It looks almost certain we will be left without the main hub of Christian retailing in this country, leaving many bookshops with a serious situation of how to resupply once inventory runs dry in the STL warehouses. There is also the issue of book profiling, something STL helped many bookshops with in highlighting corestock and recommended titles.

For publishers, especially smaller ones like ourselves, it means we lose a very important sales route to bookshops. We saw STL sales of our product half in October 2008 when STL first showed signs of weakness following the recession and the issues with its hugely complex implementation of its new data system SAP. Whilst it hit our growth hard, we have had time to look at our alternatives and review our spiritual goals.

As bleak a time as it seems, and as much as I feel for those falling victim to the current circumstances, we must look ahead. Sovereign World is not just a book publishing company. We are an organization led by a spiritual vision, to become a spearhead and to draw the lines from which we can all march forward to proclaim in unity Christ's sovereignty and His power to change lives. If you want to know more, or get involved in sharing with our vision, please see our new Christian social network site. Sovereign World has put it together, but it isn't about Sovereign World. It's emphasis is on Christian thinking aligned with the type of books we produce. If you like what we publish then you will be right at home there. Anyone can join. To find out more please visit:

Sovereign World Christian Social Network

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Bargain clearance titles now available

We are currently clearing some of our excess stock on selected titles and now is a great opportunity to get them at a bargain price, just before Christmas. These titles represent excellent teaching and you can have them at prices only rarely offered on Christian books. Once they are gone they are gone, so I highly recommend you have a look.

Clikc Here: Sovereign World Clearance Books